Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in /home/ on line 138

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in /home/ on line 138


Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/ on line 37

Interested in joining our team? There are a couple options on how you can apply for a position.

  1. Please fill out the form below for a screening. You also can complete and upload an application through the form as part of this process.
  2. Download and complete application and then drop it off at our office located at: 100 Progress Drive, Mt. Vernon, OH 43050.

Ver-Mac Industries Application (PDF Application)

If you have any questions regarding the process, please contact Stacy Smith at 740.397.6511 x227 or

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer

Applications are considered for all positions without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age (40+ older), ancestry, military status, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.

A resume may not be used in place of this application. This application becomes void after 60 days unless renewed.

A conviction record will not necessarily be a bar to employment, and factors such as the timing of the offense, the seriousness and nature of the violation, and the nature of the job for which you are applying will be taken into account by the employer.

List references who have known you at least one year and who are not relatives or former employers.

Include Name, Address, Telephone, Profession/Position, How Long Known?

Include Name, Address, Telephone, Profession/Position, How Long Known?

Include Name, Address, Telephone, Profession/Position, How Long Known?

From month/year to month/year

Full Name, City, State

From month/year to month/year

Full Name, City, State

From month/year to month/year

Full Name, City, State

From month/year to month/year

Full Name, City, State

Upload your application or resume as a PDF or Word (.doc) file.

I understand that this application does not constitute an employment contract or an offer for employment. I further understand that if I am offered a position of employment, my employment will be "at will," and either I or the company may terminate the employment at any time for any reason with or without cause and with or without notice. I also understand that no individual representative of the company, other than the president in a writing specific to me and signed by the company president and me, may offer me an individual contract of employment. I understand that I must at all times abide by the company's rules and regulations and I agree to do so if employed.

I authorize the investigation of all statements contained herein and authorize the references and employers listed above to give you any and all information concerning my previous employment and any pertinent information they may have, personal or otherwise. I further release and agree to hold harmless the company and all parties providing information form all liability for any claim or damage that may result from furnishing such information to you.

I certify that the information I have given on this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that any false information provided on this application, at any time of any interview(s), or on any company document may result in my immediate discharge.

In consideration of the employer's review of my application, I agree that any claim or lawsuit arising out of my employment or my application for employment with the employer must be filled no more than six (6) months after the date of the employment action that is the subject of the claim or lawsuit. While I understand that the statute of limitations for claims arising out of an employment action may be longer than six (6) months, I agree to be bound by the six (6) month period of limitations set forth herein and I WAIVE ANY STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS TO THE CONTRARY.